


Abstract Submissions
  Abstract submissions will be accepted from December 9th, 2013 through February 7th, 2014. The program will consist of invited keynote speeches, symposia, workshops, oral sessions, and poster sessions.
·                                 You can submit only one abstract either for oral presentation or poster presentation.
·                                 You can submit only one abstract either for symposium or workshop. You can submit 2 abstracts at maximum, one for oral or poster presentation and one for symposium or workshop.
·                                 If you are a keynote speaker, You can submit 3 abstracts at maximum, one for keynote, one for oral or poster presentation, and one for symposium or workshop.
·                                 If your abstract is accepted, you must complete the payment of the participation fee by March 27th, 2014. When you are late for the deadline, your abstract and presentation will be deleted.
·                                 Regardless you are the first author or a co-author, you can make only one presentation in oral or poster session and only one presentation in symposium or workshop.
Types of Submissions
  Keynote speech is a lecture where the speakers will focus on either an overview of their areas of expertise or latest developments in their field of research. Keynote speakers will be giving 60 minutes including questions and discussions. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words for a keynote speech.
Oral presentation will be single-speaker presentations on any related area of research listed below. Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes in length, with 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words for an oral presentation. Presentations not accepted in the oral presentations shall have a poster format.
Poster presentations permit and encourage presenters to interact with people who come to see the posters. Poster sessions are 60 minutes and the presenter of a poster is expected to be present besides own poster for the full 60 minutes. Individual oral presentations will not be included. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words for a poster presentation.
Symposia ncludes presentations by minimum 3 to maximum 6 individuals organized around a particular topic or theme. A symposium will last 90 minutes including presentations and discussions. The chair of the symposium should be one of the presenters. The symposium coordinator submits the general abstract including the names and affiliation(s) of all the presenters in the session and make sure that individual abstracts from the co-presenters are submitted. Each abstract must include the same main title of the symposium and be no longer than 300 words.
  Presentations not accepted in the symposia shall have a poster format.
Workshops provide opportunities for presenters to share professional practice and strategies with participants through demonstrations and hands-on experiences. Presenters have 90 minutes to complete a workshop. The coordinator submits an abstract of no more than 300 words for a workshop including the names and affiliation(s) of all the presenters.
Research Categories
  When you submit your abstract, choose one major category and one small topic from the following 4 major research categories and smaller topics.
  Social psychology of sport and exercise
01 Personality, 02 Motivation in sports, 03 Group dynamics and cohesion, 04 Ethical and moral aspects, ?05 Social and cultural diversity, 06 Gender issues in sport, 07 Leadership/ coaching, 08 Communication skills, 09 Life skills/ leaning strategies, 10 Methodology development, and 11 Other: specify
Health and exercise psychology
01 Mental health and well-being, 02 Stress management, 03 Behavior change intervention, 04 Cognition and aging, 05 Positive psychology in sports, 06 Quality of life through sports, 07 Psychological benefits of exercise, 08 Methodology development, and 09 Other: specify Mental training/ interventions
Mental Training/Interventions
01 Sport counseling/ consulting, 02 Team building, 03 Burn out and overtraining, 04 Career transitions in sport, 05 Mental training and preparation for performance enhancement, 06 Injury prevention and rehabilitation, 07 Anxiety, mood and emotion in sport, 08 Asian secrets of psychological skills training (Yoga, Zen, and et al.), 09 Assessment and classification, and 10 Other: specify  
Motor control and learning?
01 Motor control, 02 Motor learning, 03 Cognitive information processing, 04 Skill evaluation and feedback, 05 Leaning process and practice methods, 06 Ecological approach, 07 Neuro-physiological approach, 08 Methodology development, and 09 Other: specify




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